
Teacher Human Society And Its Environment - Tomaree High School

NSW Government
Adelaide Full-day Full-time


Position Information

Tomaree High school is a unique learning environment with a student enrolment of 985 with 10% of students having an Aboriginal Torres Strait Island background. It shares a campus with Tomaree Public school and is the only public high school on the Tomaree Peninsula. The school promotes excellence in academic, cultural and sporting performance and also provides a wide range of academic, creative and performing arts opportunities and involvement in sport. The school has implemented a range of strategies to support the education of gifted and talented students. A strong transition program is in place with our partner primary schools. The school has eight support classes. The school also offers a Big Picture Academy with two advisories to support students learning needs.

The schools Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations are Respect, Responsibility and Success. There is an extensive support staff that includes an Aboriginal Education Officer, Community Liaison Officer, Student Support Officer and Defense Transition Mentor. Tomaree High School is an integral part of the Tomaree Learning Community and works closely with the Youyoong Local AECG.

Further information is available on the school website http://www.tomaree-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ and facebook page.

Selection Criteria
  • Approval to teach Business Studies, Commerce and Geography (Years 7-12).
  • Demonstrated ability to integrate a range of explicit teaching strategies, including technology, and embedded assessment strategies to meet the learning needs of a diverse range of students.
  • Capacity to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment to engage, challenge and support a diverse range of students, including Aboriginal students, through the implementation of quality, differentiated teaching strategies.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to work in a collaborative faculty, supporting whole school initiatives and developing positive relationships with all members of the school community.

An unconditional full approval to teach is a requirement. If you do not hold a full approval to teach with the NSW Department of Education, you are required to commence the application process at the same time as you apply for this teaching opportunity.

Special Notes

Applicants are to include details of their WWCC clearance number as part of this application.

About the NSW Department of Education

The Department of Education is the largest provider of public education in Australia with responsibility for delivering high-quality public education to two-thirds of the NSW student population. We welcome applications from all ages and genders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, the LGBTQIA+ community, veterans, refugees and people with disability. If we can make some adjustments to our recruitment/interview process to better enable you to shine, please contact the Diversity and Inclusion Team (dandi@det.nsw.edu.au) or visit NSW Department of Education Diversity and Inclusion
New merit selection application guidelines for classroom teachers, executives and principals have been introduced to provide greater clarity to applicants and selection panels. The guidelines are located here. To ensure that your application complies with the guideline page limits, your attachments must be in PDF format .

9 Feb 2025;   from: uworkin.com

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