Who we areCargo & Conveyance Policy & Detection Capability is responsible for determining, developing and enabling the strategies, regulatory frameworks, tactics and interventions that manage biosecurity and other risks within the transport and trade pathways into Australia. This pathway brings together how the department detects and responds to biosecurity risk and non-compliance, including through deploying surveillance and verification tools and capabilities such as detector dog teams and x-rays. The branch sets operational policy for the biosecurity clearance of all air and sea cargo, conveyances and ports, seasonal pests and policy assessment related matters.
Detection Capability is responsible for improving the effectiveness of the division by providing detection, system, legislative and policy capability. The section provides centralised expertise, coordination, management and resource capability through a range of services for consistent use across the division. The section is responsible for detection technology including x-ray and Detector Dogs.
The key duties of the position include
The Jobs
The duties of the roles include:
• delivering detector dog and handler training
• contributing to the selection of new dogs for inclusion in the detector dog program
• contributing to the ongoing development and innovation of the department's detector dog capability
• performing a broad range of administrative functions related to the work of the detector dog technical team
• communicating effectively with both internal and external stakeholders
• maintaining records in accordance with legislative requirements and the department's records management, information security and privacy policies and requirements.
Please note that this recruitment process will initially be used to fill two vacancies in the Detector Dog Capability Section . The merit pool established through this selection process, which is valid for a period of eighteen months from the date the vacancy was advertised in the Public Service Gazette, may also be used to fill future ongoing vacancies in the branch where the duties are of a similar nature.
For information on the work of our Detector Dog Handlers please click here .
5 Mar 2025;