Please complete to Apply for Reporting Analyst [ Full Time ] [ Brisbane, QLD ]
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Please either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume Allowed File Types: doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 2.0MbPlease indicate your Salary Expectations per Year in Dollars [excluding Superannuation]
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details. Where work is part-time, please enter your actual salary expectations [not a full time equivalent salary]
Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 10 years or list your last 5 Jobs
I'm new to the workforce
Job Title:
From: To:
Main Reason for Leaving:
I can provide a Referee from this Employer who will attest to my skills and attributes
Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications
Now please answer these questions before sending your application… Please be relaxed… every Application is received by Australian Retirement Trust, however you answer.Are you currently, or have you previously been, employed by Australian Retirement Trust, Sunsuper or QSuper? Yes No
Are you legally entitled to live and work within Australia? Yes No
Do you have any working restrictions (e.g., hold a Working holiday visa, Student visa or Temporary visa)? Yes No
As an equal opportunity employer and in demonstration of our commitment to bettering outcomes for First Nations people, we encourage applicants from this community. Do you identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person? Yes No
We welcome applications from people with disabilities and will provide reasonable adjustments to ensure inclusion in our recruitment process. Do you need any adjustments to be made to participate in the application and selection process for this role?
Yes No
We strive to provide an environment which supports diverse needs. If your application is successful, do you have any disabilities, medical or health conditions that may impact your ability to perform the requirements of the role as outlined in the position description? Just a heads up: if you knowingly give false or misleading information about a pre-existing condition, it could lead to your job offer being withdrawn. Plus, you might be excluded from workers compensation if you make claim related to that condition. Yes No
We're dedicated to acting in our members' best financial interests. This includes carefully managing risk. All offers of employment are subject to successful background checks, including criminal history checks, bankruptcy checks, disqualifications, and bans (including an ASIC register check), secondary employment checks and directorship checks. Do you need to disclose any information that may be revealed as part of our checking process? Yes No
We're committed to complying with insider trading laws and maintaining the highest ethical standards. Do you, anyone living with you, or any businesses you or they are involved with trade in publicly listed securities? This includes trading in a personal or professional capacity. Yes No
If your application is successful, do you consent to Australian Retirement Trust, or anyone it appoints as its agent, conducting the background checks outlined below as part of our employment process? Your personal data will be stored and handled in compliance with privacy and anti-discrimination laws.
- Criminal history check
- Bankruptcy check
- Employment check
- Directorship check
- Disqualifications and bans
- Residency status
- Secondary employment
- Qualification, and reference checks Yes No
Do you consent to Australian Retirement Trust and its appointed agents managing and storing your personal details for employment consideration and associated processes, including but not limited to, sharing this information when required by law. Yes No
Do you declare that all the information in your application (including your resume and cover letter) is true, complete, and not misleading including if this was provided by a recruitment agency on your behalf; that you have answered all questions thoroughly without omitting any relevant details and that you have not concealed any important information? Yes No
Privacy: Your details go only to Australian Retirement Trust… nowhere else