Work type: Part time
Salary: Salary not specified
Grade: Ed Support Level 1-Range 2
Occupation: Facilities Management
Location: Orbost
Reference: 1469740
Selection CriteriaSC1 Demonstrated ability to proactively undertake a range of maintenance duties including some trade experience relevant to the role.
SC2 Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with a range of people in a working environment.
SC3 Proven ability to use highly developed organisational skills to investigate, prioritise, take appropriate action and address maintenance issues as they may arise.
SC4 Demonstrated capacity to work effectively as a member of a team, to follow instructions and take on responsibility to work independently without direct supervision.
SC5 Demonstrated knowledge and awareness of Occupational Health and Safety guidelines and practices.
An education support class position at this range will perform tasks that are carried out in accordance with guidelines, accepted practice, and school policy under supervision and direction. This may include coordination of other education support class staff within the work area or educational program.
An education support class position supports the educational services being provided to students but must not include duties of a teacher as defined in clause 2.6.1 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) or its successor. Supervision of students can be required individually or in groups up to 4 in controlled circumstances and where the responsibility for students remains clearly with a teacher.
Certification and/or qualifications of up to three years can be required at this level (noting that Registered Nurse is not included at this level, the first level for which is Level 1 range 3).
A role at this range may include:
- Specific support tasks to achieve outcomes. Typically, this will involve accountability for a single function, (e.g. ensuring data is properly maintained) or the co-ordination of a work area under the direction of the principal or a manager.
- Assisting teachers, within an educational program, by undertaking specific support tasks or the coordination of the support function.
- Supervised health and wellbeing support tasks, medical intervention support tasks, or other specialised student/teacher support roles (e.g. enrolled nurses performing the role as described in schedule 3). These roles require specific qualifications and/or training, including roles where further training must be undertaken from time to time. The role is for a specific purpose, for which there will be direct accountability as opposed to support roles that are carried out by a range of staff performing routine tasks under direction.
- Technical tasks that require a sound knowledge of basic technical and/or scientific principles that are used to develop and adapt work methods and make judgements where there are clear guidelines and limited options. Routine technical support in libraries, science, and information technology would be typical examples.
An education support class position at this range commencing at the base will initially be limited to undertaking routine tasks that are carried out under close supervision and direction. Work that carries some degree of independence will generally involve a limited number of tasks performed on a regular basis where priorities are clear, procedures are well established, and direction is readily available. Subject to any specific qualification and/or training requirement, an education support class employee employed in this range may be progressively required to undertake coordination, specialised student/teacher support tasks, or technical tasks as experience in the role is gained.
Responsibilities- Maintenance jobs include, but are not limited to aspects of joinery, carpentry, plumbing, painting outdoor equipment, repairing furniture, doors, locks, lights, plant, equipment and other tasks which may arise.
- Maintain maintenance area and appropriately store all tools, equipment and chemicals.
- Follow Health and Safety policies and procedures. Report all known and observed hazards to the Principal.
- Other duties as required
Individuals with the aptitude, experience and/or qualifications to fulfill the specific requirements of the position.
EEO AND OHS CommitmentApplicants seeking part-time employment are encouraged to apply for any teaching service position and, if they are the successful candidate, request a reduced time fraction. Such requests will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to the operational requirements of the school.
The Department of Education is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and diversity and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms - gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly, supportive, safe and harassment free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces. It is our policy to provide reasonable adjustments for persons with a disability (see Workplace adjustment guidelines).
Additional support and advice on the recruitment process is available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders from the Koorie Outcomes Division (KOD) via
Child Safe StandardsVictorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar available at:
DE ValuesThe department's employees commit to upholding the department's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. The department's Values complement each school's own values and underpin the behaviours the community expects of Victorian public sector employees, including those who work in Victorian Government Schools. Information on the department values is available at:
Other InformationHours will be 7.6 hours per week with days being negotiated with the successful applicant. There may be a requirement to do some time in the school holidays in order to maintain the school grounds and equipment.
Conditions of Employment- All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to a broad range of employment conditions and working arrangements.
- Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions check.
- A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment and induction and support programs provided.
- Detailed information on all terms and conditions of employment is available on the Department's Human Resources website at
Buchan Primary School is a small rural school located in beautiful East Gippsland, 55km north of Lakes Entrance and 75km north-east of Bairnsdale.
The township of Buchan consists of a Bush Nursing Centre, Police Station, Kindergarten, General Store, Roadhouse, Pub, Motel, CFA and Neighbourhood house. Buchan is a close knit community, with the football, netball and cricket clubs a key focus for most families. The town is surrounded by farmland and vast areas of forest and wilderness, including the famous Buchan Caves Reserve and world renowned Snowy River National Park. Due to its location and unique landscape, the area is popular with horse riders, tourists, campers and adventurers.
Buchan Primary School¿s current enrolment is 23. Our school is structured into a Junior (F-2) and a Senior (3-6) classroom. Staffing consists of a Teaching Principal, a Classroom Teacher, an Education Support person and a part-time Business Manager. Specialist classes are delivered by classroom teachers with the fortnightly MARC Van program providing additional planning time to support classroom teachers. Being a small school, teachers work closely together to plan and cater for individual student needs and strengths.
Buchan Primary School underwent a Strategic Peer Review in 2022. In 2023, the school has strategically implemented the Science of Learning. This encompassed a heightened emphasis on etymology, morphology and phonology. Staff members have actively participated in professional development programs such as Sounds-Write by Soundality and Spelling Mastery by Good to Great Schools.
In order to support teacher development and practice, Buchan Primary is part of a Professional Learning Community with other local schools within the Tambo Cluster. This small school network also provides transition, sporting, arts and camp opportunities for our students through shared camps and activities. Our school links closely with the Kindergarten through the Buchan Early Years Reference Group to further support children and families within the Buchan Community.
Our School Values were recently revisited by the community and are Be a friend, Show respect, Be kind and Show empathy. Being a small school, there is a strong sense of family and belonging amongst students. Buchan prides itself on a record of excellent student behaviour and participation and are proud participants in the Respectful Relationships program.
Applications close Monday 31 March 2025 at 11.59PM
Posted 18 March 2025