Clinical Manager
Yoowinna Wurnalung Aboriginal Healing Service (YWAHS) is a Specialist Aboriginal Family Violence Service, which is an independent Not for Profit (NFP) organisation, who delivers services to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples living within the catchments of Wellington and East Gippsland Local Government Area’s.
We provide culturally safe and holistic services including counselling, clinical and therapeutic support and referral pathways. We develop, implement, and deliver family violence education and prevention programs and provide advocacy and post intervention support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and their families.
We support the recovery and healing of Aboriginal victims, individuals, families, and communities affected by family violence, and provide support to perpetrators of family violence, linking them into programs and services to address their behaviour and to help them build tools around respectful and healthy relationships with their partners, children, and extended family.
Our focus is on providing Aboriginal led solutions, which are ‘trauma informed,’ culturally safe, within holistic models of health and wellbeing.
Position Overview
The Clinical Manager leads YWAHS's clinical team in providing trauma-informed, culturally safe services within a holistic model of health and wellbeing. The position supports the recovery and healing of Aboriginal victims, individuals, families, and communities affected by family violence, while ensuring high-quality clinical governance and service delivery.
Governing Principles
- Work within a supportive team environment that recognises Aboriginal health and wellbeing as a holistic model
- Promote and demonstrate the Social Model of Health, Social Justice, and YWAHS Philosophy
- Utilise an Aboriginal Cultural Competency Framework inclusive of Therapeutic and Trauma-Informed Approaches
- Acknowledge and utilise individual team member skills and differences
- Promote continuous quality improvement in all activities
- Competitive base salaries plus superannuation and annual leave loading
- Salary packaging (which can add up to $15,900 in tax-free pay per year)
- Industry leading training and support
- Promotional opportunities
- Working alongside diverse people towards a common goal