MacKillop Family Services is committed to improving employment opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. As a measure to achieve equality and support, Section 51 of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA) will apply to this position. Aboriginal people are encouraged to apply and are preferred for this position.
In additional a $5000 remote allowance for all Pilbara employees.
Hourly Rate of $58.23 to $60.66 as outlined in the SCHADS Award Level 7, dependent on qualification and experience.
About the role:
This position is situated within the Pilbara and is a partnership between MacKillop Family Services and Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation. The position will initially sit within MacKillop’s Family Support Programs and will create and implement the provision of the new Kanyjaru Ngarnarna Wapa initiative in Port Hedland.
This Coordinator position will report to the General Manager of MacKillop Family Services however will also be guided by the Hedland Aboriginal Strong Leaders Collective (the Elders). It is the intention that this service will transition to Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation within a 2 year time period with Julyardi becoming the sole service delivery agency.
The position purpose is to lead the creation and implementation of this new initiative, work together with the Hedland Aboriginal Strong Leaders and Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation and other relevant stakeholders and contribute to:
- Women and children being safe and supported to recover and improve their wellbeing
- Women with or without children are supported to remain in their homes, or the home of their choice, where it is safe to do so
- Women and children are linked to services that address their expressed needs.
This is a Full-Time opportunity based in Port Hedland, WA within our Pilbara Family Support and Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation Program. The position reports to the General Manager Pilbara.
Key Selection Criteria:
To be successful in this role, you will have:
- A knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal culture and values and an awareness of the current issues faced by Aboriginal children, young people and their families
- An appropriate qualification in human services, social work and/or equivalent experience and skills. A combination of equivalent study and experience, including Aboriginal people with lives and professional experience will be considered.
- Demonstrated capacity to develop collaborative working relationships with stakeholders and to develop the new Kanyjaru Ngarnarna Wapa initiative and ability to work between MacKillop, Julyardi Aboriginal Corporation and the Hedland Aboriginal Strong Leaders (the Elders) who will be providing guidance to the program.
- Strong knowledge and understanding of family and domestic violence frameworks and practice.
- Extensive experience and demonstrated skills in working with vulnerable children, young people and families and a developed knowledge and understanding of the impact of trauma and working in a trauma informed way.
Please address the full Key Selection Criteria outlined in the PD as part of your application.
For a full position listing, please click APPLY. The Position Description is available for review at the bottom of the page.
For more information, please contact:
Trina Stoddart - CEO of Julyardi at; or on 0435 172 143
Our offer:
- Hourly Rate of $58.23 to $60.66 as outlined in the SCHADS Award Level 7, dependent on qualification and experience.
- Salary packaging – we can help you to maximize your salary packaging up to $18,550 per year, which allows you to reduce the amount of tax you pay.
- Paid Training that is industry specific including Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI), Sanctuary and Cultural Awareness training.
- Fitness Passport - which is a discounted workplace health and fitness program available to you and your family. For a fraction of the price of a regular gym membership.
- Employee Assistance Program- Free access to a wide range of options with all aspects of life such as social, financial, physical, mental health by providing counselling and coaching supporting relating both to your circumstance, even including health advice from qualified nutritionists.
- Supportive Environment - Monthly supportive meetings with your direct manager.
- Sanctuary Organisation - MacKillop’s work is underpinned by the Sanctuary Model, an evidence-supported, whole of organisation framework that brings our values to life. The model reinforces our ability to create a safe environment that teaches people to cope effectively with stress and trauma, and to heal.
You must have a:
- Valid and current Driver’s Licence;
- Satisfactory Criminal History Check (paid for by MacKillop);
- Valid Employee Working with Children Check;
- Valid and current NDIS Workers Screening Check (for risk assessed / client facing roles). MacKillop can assist successful candidates with their application.
Our Commitment:
MacKillop celebrates and draws strength from diversity and respects the dignity of all people. Every person at MacKillop has the right to be safe and to be treated justly. We value every person’s ability, cultural or linguistic backgrounds, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, intersex status, relationship status, religious or spiritual beliefs, socio-economic status, and age.
It is our goal that MacKillop Family Services continues to evolve as a culturally safe, culturally competent, and welcoming organisation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people, families, and communities.
Shortlisting for this position may commence immediately so please submit your application as soon as possible.