Role Description/Criteria
The administrative staff is employed to relieve many of the administrative tasks from the Principal, enabling the Principal to attend to the educational aspects of leadership in the School. Such personnel will normally work from the Office located so that they are able to greet all visitors to the school and also be readily accessible to the Principal.
This administration position has a key role to play in the school at the operational level. The role is vital to the efficient and smooth running of the school on a day to day basis. The position reports to the Principal. Duties include processing in a comprehensive computerised administrative system (ICON) for student records, purchase orders, banking, personnel records, office coordination, administrative services, and front reception duties.
This position is classified under the Victorian Catholic Education Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 as Education Support Category B Level 2-8 to 3-6 (depending on qualification and experience). Salary ranges from $71,742 to $85,068 per annum, commensurate with relevant skills and experience.
Superannuation contribution in accordance with Superannuation
Guarantee Legislation is in addition to this salary payment.
Fixed Term position – part time 0.6 FTE (with the view of ongoing)
- A commitment to the ethos, values and mission of Catholic education.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in administration/customer service.
- Demonstrated organising, planning and coordination skills including the ability to prioritise tasks and to handle multiple demands effectively and efficiently.
High proficiency in Microsoft Office including:
- Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Sound knowledge of general IT system and applications
- Competent in intranet and internet
- High attention to detail and the ability to multi task.
- Demonstrated excellent communication and collaboration skills.
- Demonstrated ability to maintain confidentiality of sensitive and confidential information.
- Experience in TechnologyOne and Synergetic would be an advantage. Knowledge of Efficient Resource Planning (ERP) systems is an advantage.
- Current First Aid certificate or willingness to undertake a course.
- Adhere to school's child-safe policy and code of conduct, and any other policies or procedures relating to child safety.
- Must hold or be willing to acquire a Working with Children Check card and must be willing to undergo a National Police Record Check
- Welcome all visitors and where necessary refer them to appropriate persons.
- Ensure visitors sign in and out when on the school premises and adhere to OHS and Child Safety protocols and processes.
- Answer and deal with phone calls, referring where necessary.
- Arrange appointments for the Principal where necessary.
- Receive and pass on messages from or for staff, students and parents (all messages for staff should be written in an appropriate message book or emailed).
- Check Office emails and phone messages each morning.
- Register enrolment inquiries.
- Prepare and input of purchase orders in Technology One computer software, including ensuring quotes are obtained, where required.
- Receipting and banking of cash/other receipts of monies, for example school fees, grant income and other private income.
- Collate, complete and organise information relating to staff, payroll and timesheet, suppliers, bank accounts, invoices and census data for processing by Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) Shared Services Centre (SSC).
- Lodge PAYG and GST with Australian Tax Office, based on the information provided by SSC Tax Agent.
- Ensure school fee and levies are reconciled on a monthly basis and any discrepancy resolved.
- Upload payments to the school bank account(s).
- Maintenance of Petty Cash – reconciliation and disbursements.
- Collate Parents' and Friends Association (PFA) documentation for processing in the accounting system by SSC.
- Completion of asset addition and asset disposal form to upload to SSC ePortal.
- Maintain the records for the school's credit card.
- Provide reports for all accounts as per SSC and the Auditors' requests, for the preparation of the AFS (Annual Financial Statement) and audit process.
- Understand and keep abreast of updates to the MACS Finance Procedures Manual and ensure procedures are followed throughout the year to ensure an efficient annual audit process.
- Assist the Shared Services Centre with any requests for information or clarification.
Debt Management
- Annual billing of school fees and levies and arrange for the Statement of Accounts to be sent out on a termly basis (Term 1 to Term 4)
- Ensure the student management system is accurate and updated on an ongoing basis.
- Undertake dealings with families on all fee queries and payment terms. Manage outstanding debtors in accordance with MACS fee collection policy.
- Ensure that families apply for the CSEF program, if eligible.
Record Keeping
- Maintaining student enrolment information including daily contact with parents regarding student attendance.
- Maintaining all financial records e.g. Bank Reconciliations, Payroll Reports, Invoices and relevant Staff record in accordance with record keeping policy.
- Collate relevant paperwork (Bank, salary, tax and school forms) required for commencement of new employee at St Cecila’s for processing with Shared Services Onboarding Team.
- Enter new staff details on ICON.
- Assist the Principal in maintaining the files and records for all staff, including qualifications, commencement date, details of sick leave, LSL taken, accidents, etc.
- Process Long service leave (LSL) and Maternity Leave applications / payments etc.
- Keep a record of excursions, organise sport and costing.
- Assist Casual Relief Teachers by providing them with the Class Handbook for the day’s work, if required.
- Attend to students that require First Aid, maintain medical records and contact parents.
- Census verification and Perform Online Data file transfers as required by MACS.
- Order resources such as stationery, computer toners etc for staff.
- Payment of invoices.
- Keep up to date with MACS policies and weekly communication available on Catholic Education Commission Victoria (CECV).
- Attend ICON Professional Learning, Shared Services Administration Forum, Regional Network Meetings, school closure days for professional learning, staff meetings and any other course which assists in the implementation of this role description.
- Complete the online Mandatory Reporting module annually.
- The Administration Officer will provide a welcoming environment and be supportive of the Catholic ethos and school Vision Statement. They will be involved, with all other staff, in supporting school policies and take part in our Emergency Management Plan procedures.
- Meet with the Principal regularly.
- Assume any other duties as requested/directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal.
Please submit your application via email to: